Self Discipline vs Freedom - How To Create More Freedom In Your Life

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hey this is Leo for actualised dot-org and in this video I'm going to talk about freedom versus self-discipline and how do you go about creating more freedom in your life I'm really excited about this video topic because this is something that isn't very obvious to many people and this is something that really takes wrapping your mind around to understand before you can get true freedom that you really want out of your life so this video what I want to talk about is the importance of self-discipline in order to get freedom how those two are connected and why what you currently think you have as freedom isn't real freedom and that real freedom is something that you can develop through discipline and personal development so let's talk about this I can to here or I imagine you guys sometimes saying this to me you know Leo you're posting all these videos with actualised org about how to work really hard to get the inner psychology down in order to create an amazing life so if you want financial freedom if you want freedom in your career or if you want artistic freedom or freedom in your relationship then how is this a vehicle towards gaining that freedom because you might tell me Leo this self mastery stuff that you talked about it's so strict it's so rigid all these rules and all these principles all this stuff that I have to do you don't have to go meditate for hours I have to go work on myself I have to go do introspection I have to journal I have to take coaching I have to maybe go see a therapist I have to have these difficult conversations with with either my friends or family or my my spouse or my girlfriend or my boy friend so all of this stuff you know you talk about taking massive action you talk about really being honest with your ego this is all difficult work and there's a lot of rigidity here how does this not create a strict and boring kind of life I mean leo I don't want to turn into a monk you're telling me that I'm going to become a monk and I'm gonna be happy well maybe even a monk is happy but I don't want to be a monk I want to be free right I want to live that exciting adventurous life that I imagine for myself that's what I really want I don't wanna be a monk so some of the stuff you talk about being happy like a monk and meditating like a monk and taking principles from a monk that all of these things might be good for him but they're not good for my kind of life I mean I'm a very down-to-earth kind of person right very down-to-earth not too religious not too airy-fairy enough some sort of hippie I just want kind of a simple life where I have the freedom that I want to do the things that I want how do I get that leo I'm glad you asked because right now what you're really looking for is you're looking for fun you're looking for excitement and you're looking for freedom you're looking for adventure that's what you're looking for right but you're not going to get that with your current mode of operating you're not going to get it and in this video I'm going to talk about why it's interesting I have this quote that I really like I don't know if I came up with it or if I read it somewhere I think I might have kind of come up with it but it goes like this the easy thing is the hard thing and the hard thing is the easy thing so many people get this wrong I see this manifesting everywhere I see this manifesting in companies I think this manifesting with leaders I see this benefiting in in everyday lives I see this everywhere and it's this idea that people are looking for a shortcut people are looking for the fun the excitement the money the profit the value right away they want it up front they don't want to work for it and so what they assume is that if they go directly for the good stuff they go straight for the jackpot that if they do that then that's the most direct route that's the easiest route right why would I want to go meditate for a decade to attain peace of mind leo that doesn't that doesn't make sense to me I don't want to do that that's too extreme too rigid my life would be miserable if I did that consider though that that might be easier than what you're presently doing because what you're presently doing is you're looking for the easy jackpot and you keep going for the easy and you keep taking shortcuts and so what happens is that the easy actually turns hard because what is your life right now are you really happy with your life are you really satisfied are you living a life where you're accomplishing all your dreams where you're really fulfilled inside where you have true peace of mind where you can say that you have control over yourself and that you really have a choice about what you do in your life can you say that you really have a choice or are you just a puppet controlled by your desires what you're going to find is that you are a puppet right now you think that you're the puppet master but you're not the puppet master so you think you have freedom now you think you have freedom now to go eat an unhealthy meal or skip the gym or be lazy in a relationship be lazy at work watch some television do some internet smoke some pot all that's the all have stuff is fun exciting adventurous right and you think that that's freedom for you but what you're going to eventually discover is that that's not freedom you are actually a slave to your desires and that the one that's controlling you is your desires you're not controlling your desires at all and when this is the case then you cannot have a happy life it will not happen for you I mean I wish it would if it could be that easy and I would be the first one doing it I would be doing it but I learned long ago simply through the school of hard knocks by hitting my face into the into the brick wall I learned that that it doesn't work that way you have to be a little bit smarter you have to be a little more strategic about how you go creating an amazing life you have to be a lot more strategic if you want happiness you have to be a lot more strategic if you want fulfillment you have to be a lot more strategic if you want peace of mind I want to read an important quote here here's the quote don't think that you can attain total awareness and whole enlightenment without proper discipline and practice this is egomania appropriate rituals channel your emotions and life energies towards the light without the discipline to practice them you will tumble constantly backward into darkness Lao tou said that you have to really start think about this this you chasing after freedom and this you thinking that self discipline is something evil the word discipline is bad these rituals that you're supposed to have you thinking that they're constricting you you thinking that they're taking away your freedom that's nonsense they are your only vehicle towards developing true freedom it's very naive to assume otherwise because you're not really free your desires have you by the balls and they are extorting you every single day extortion outright extortion is happening you know how this game plays right you decided to go to the gym get a little more fit because you're not happy about how you look in the mirror too much fat on you you don't like that you want a little bit sexier you want to attract a better mate so you start hitting the gym but then what happens you hit the gym but it's hard requires discipline requires practice requires consistency requires expenditure of labor emotional labor goes into that then you start to scratch your head and wonder well why does it have to be this hard too hard it's too hard I don't want to be consistent I'm just going to do it as it comes to me so you get lacks you get lazy you stop going to the gym entirely after a while and then you get even fatter you get even fatter even lazier you start having some health problems you start having some back problems you go to your doctor you have high cholesterol your doctor also tells you that you have some sort of weird cysts or lump developing somewhere in your body from an x-ray all of a sudden you get scared you go back to the gym now you're in the gym and you're afraid you're afraid of your health and what the doctor will tell when you go back for your next visit you're also afraid of the pain of going to the gym now you've got pain for both sides you're afraid of not going to the gym because of the health problems and also your worsening looks but you're afraid to go to the gym too because of the pain of going to the gym the required discipline that goes into that and so what do you do your life becomes this waffling it's this waffling that's going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth running always running from the thing that pains you the most so in this situation do you really have freedom here what I want to submit to you is that you don't what you're doing is you really are just being that puppet it's being controlled by your by your desires and this is preventing you from going out there and being a creator you can't create the kind of life you want when you're always running away from pain and also you can't actually realize your dreams whatever your dream is a relationship a business certain out of money health you can't realize those not if they're really meaningful dreams without a lot of work you're not going to do it and so to do that you need to start to cultivate an attitude of self-discipline but not in a harsh self-critical sort of way I'm not telling you need to be flagellating yourself all the time although sometimes you should be harsh on yourself but generally you need a easy sort of discipline but still discipline nonetheless because what you're going to find is that the more discipline you are the more habits you install in your life the more you get on that narrow straight path to your goals the more you're going to start to feel free you're going to get fulfilment you're going to get this sense of relief that you have a huge weight will lift off your shoulders when you stop worrying about all the stuff that you're constantly worrying about because that's what's beautiful about being a creator as you're creating the stuff that you want you're building and building and building capital in yourself you're basically investing value in yourself and you are slowly growing over the months and years you're growing and you're appreciating pretty much like a stock and if you do that for a good amount of time five ten years down the road it can feel very very rewarding because it's like having a stock that tripled quadrupled ten times multiplying its value that makes you feel awesome right but the really awesome thing is that when you have these disciplines and rituals installed in your life you feel like finally you have some choice you can really choose what you want can you choose right now whether you want to work at your job or not is that a choice that you have if you don't why is that it's because you need the money and you're trapped there so you say that you have freedom at your job but you really have freedom at your job did you really do the work that's necessary the discipline that needs to be put into your career or into your own business so that you do have the freedom to choose whether you want to work or not anymore and the freedom to choose the kind of work that you want to do see a lot of people don't have this and they're not free in that area are you free in your relationships are you free to leave the person that you're with right now are you free to choose and attract the kind of mate that you want whether for a short-term fling or a long-term relationship whatever you want or a marriage are you capable of doing that have you gone through the discipline and practice that's required to build yourself up so that you do have those options see building those options requires emotional investment emotional labor work discipline people who have not put in that work I know what their life is like they have very very limited options they feel very very stuck why is that because the options are not there by default usually usually if you just go and work at a nine-to-five job you're not given a lot of options about where you want to work in the kind of work you want to do and the kind of money you make but if you start your own business you have a lot of options if you haven't really worked on yourself then you probably don't have a lot of options with the opposite sex you can't attract that partner that you want so you end up settling for the one that you don't really want that creates a lot of problems a lot of frustration for you so even though you say maybe you have the relationship you want is that really true are you really free in that relationship I bet you that if you actually had some real options you might exercise those options so true freedom is about creating options for yourself and this is not an easy thing this requires work people don't usually give you many options you have to go out there and fight for it you have to start to admit to yourself right now that you're a slave you're not free you're a slave and what are you a slave to you're not a slave to society you're not a slave to your to your boss or to your wife or to your husband or anything like that you're a slave to yourself to your own desires you're a slave to your own emotions you're a slave to your own moods you're a slave to your own neurotic thoughts you're a slave to your horrible habits horrible habits I know the kind of habits you have if horrible habits and you're definitely a slave to your external circumstances you're thinking that you are right because you give away all your control you think that you're a slave your job or to your health or to your late ship but really that's ultimately you being a slave to yourself whenever your slave to a circumstance it all comes back to you if you look deeply and honestly enough so the solution is to start to to work on yourself right that's what all these videos are for it's kind of like a change in philosophy about life a lot of people will again take that philosophy of easy over hard but it comes out the other way for them they think that sitting at home playing video games and smoking pot that's the easy life right how nice well I want to go out and work why would I want to go work on my career really hard well that might be easy for now how long is it going to be the easy life how long is going to stay easy and how fulfilling is it even now probably not very fulfilling now but let's say it even ease is a little bit fulfilling for you but that's not going to last that's going to be a little bit of easiness and comfort relative to a huge amount of pain and cost that's going to come later so you're just doing that as a short-term gratification thing you're not thinking too far ahead so the point that I want to make in this video is that freedom is discipline discipline is what's necessary to create options so discipline is used to create options which then create freedom they're all very closely interconnected so don't think that by shunning discipline you're somehow creating more freedom for yourself that is a big trap and I want to end this video with a quote a powerful quote which goes really to the heart of this issue and it really inspired this video when when I read it and wrote it down immature so here it is kind of long stay with me the gift of self-discipline is that it has the power to take you beyond the reasoning of temporary motion to freedom think of how empowered you felt on occasions when you haven't gone into the I don't feel like it syndrome and you honored your commitments to yourself what is not feeling like it really have to do with anything the combination of love for something with the willingness to do it to do what it takes to practice it discipline that results in freedom and that is a quote from Michael Beckwith food for thought think about it think about what this means for the way that you live your life I think you'll find something powerful here and you could have a shift in philosophy a shift in approach which might be somewhat first but will eventually pay really big dividends for you alright this is Leo I'm signing off go ahead and post me your comments down below I'd love to hear from you and click the like button for me right now like this video so it shoots up and also share it share with a friend the more these videos are shared the more free videos I can keep releasing to you guys if the channel is popular and lastly come and sign up to my newsletter and actualize that right here this is my newsletter it's free I release new updates new videos similar to this one every single week I also have a lot of cool stuff exclusive stuff planned for my subscribers to the newsletter so sign up and really the reason that you want to do that besides the bonuses and the cool stuff that's coming in the future it's about staying on track with this developing discipline is something that you have to baby step something that takes awhile to do and what I find is that you need you need some sort of guide to help you do it it's hard to do it all on your own it's hard to do it and be consistent about it a lot of times I find myself when I was doing it falling off track a lot losing a lot of time spinning my wheels a lot so I think it's very valuable to be studying and learning the stuff every single week new ideas new mindsets new strategies for how you can master yourself even more so that you can create that freedom that you really want and I'm excited to be delivering a lot more content for you guys every single week new content amazing stuff my best stuff is still yet to come so sign up and you'll be all set you